The Child Development Resource Center partners with dozens of community organizations that support the overall health, safety and well-being of children and families.
Map of Child Care ResourcesFamily Resources
GoKids Inc.
County of Santa Cruz Human Services Department
Community Resource Directory
Source: Santa Cruz Public Libraries

Provider Resources
Child Care Licensing
Reimbursement Application: English | Spanish
CPR/First Aid Local Classes

Quality Counts SCC
Quality Counts SCC provides a national framework for building strong early care and education systems within each state. In Santa Cruz County, 65 early care and education sites are already participating—from small, family child care homes, to large California State Preschools and Head Start programs.
Quality Counts SCC provides the training and coaching early educators need to expand their skills, improve classroom environments and build strong relationships with families. Using a 5 Tier Rating System, Quality Counts SCC helps programs measure how well they’re doing in meeting the social, emotional and cognitive needs of young children.